Bug #90
Signals set to non-PBS manually are reverting to PBS
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TTDPatch Version: 2.5beta8 and later
Patch Feature: PBS
pathbasedsignalling.autoconvertpresig on
pathbasedsignalling.manualpbssig on
pathbasedsignalling.preservemanualpresig on
pathbasedsignalling.showreservedpath on
in ttdpatch.cfg, those signals set to non-PBS manually revert to PBS whenever a train passes. Setup is here: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=484658#484658
Updated by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Not sure there's a bug here - if one signal leading into a block is PBS, they will all become PBS after a train passes (for obvious reasons). And a 2-way PBS signal will PBSerize blocks in both directions. And most of the signals on that layout seem to be 2-way. So unless you're de-PBSing all the signals, they're going to convert back again. -Pikka