Bug #150
Crash if old version of TTDLOADW.OVL found
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TTDPatch Version: 2.6 r 1587+
Reproduction instructions:
Download and run the 1587 nightly; exit.
Download and run the 1590 nightly.
Unless you have forcerebuildovl on, TTDPatch will crash (http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=598171#598171) when running r1590.
Attached is ttdpatch.cfg, the functional 1587 version of TTDLOADW.OVL, the broken version that 1590 writes when it sees the 1587 version, and the functional version that 1590 writes if it does not find TTDLOADW.OVL.
No newgrf files are present. This includes ttdpbasew.grf (I haven't yet bothered to get a proper TTD setup on this box.)
Updated by Leo Giusti over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee deleted (
0) - Target version set to TTDPatch 2.6
Turning forcebuildovl on fixes the problem.