Revision 73
Added by csaboka over 17 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- projects
- GRFMaker
- U_ACT06.PAS (diff)
- U_ACT08.PAS (diff)
- U_ACTXX.PAS (diff)
- U_DRAW2.PAS (diff)
- U_SETUP.PAS (diff)
- U_TEXTS.PAS (diff)
- U_TEXTS_HU.PAS (diff)
- U_TEXTS_NL.PAS (diff)
- u_act02.pas (diff)
- u_act03.pas (diff)
- u_act04.pas (diff)
- u_act07.pas (diff)
- u_app.pas (diff)
- u_decoder.pas (diff)
- u_draw.pas (diff)
- u_newgrf.pas (diff)
- u_nfo.pas (diff)
- u_texts_EN.pas (diff)
- GRFMaker
translated the rest of the Hungarian comments
next time I'll have time for this, I'll start translating identifiers
(except for stXX string IDs - there are a lot of them, and their meaning can be figured out from u_texts_EN.pas)